Cactvs Toolkit Datatype Handler Summary
ShortName | ShortNameAliases | FullName | Description | FieldAccess | Module |
biologics | biologics | Biologics | Biologics object | none | (builtin) |
bitset | bitset | Bitset | 64 bit bitset | property(bitindex) or property(fieldname|enumfield) | (builtin) |
bitvector | bitvector bvec bitvec | BitVector | Variable-length bit vector | property(elementindex) or property(lowindex:highindex) or property(fieldname|enumfield|setbitcount|clearbitcount|hexbinary|base64binary | (builtin) |
blob | blob | Blob | Opaque variable size blob | property(byteindex) or property(lowbyteindex:highbyteindex) or property(fieldname|size|hexbinary|base64binary) | (builtin) |
boolean | boolean bool bit logical flag | Boolean | Boolean true/false value | none | (builtin) |
byte | byte enumeration enum | Byte/Enum | 8 bit integer | none | (builtin) |
bytevector | bytevector charvector cvec charvec bytevec | ByteVector | Variable-length 8 bit integer vector | property(elementindex) or property(lowindex:highindex) or property(fieldname|size|hexbinary|base64binary) | (builtin) |
bytevolume | bytevolume bvolume bvol bytevol charvolume cvolume cvol charvol | ByteVolume | Byte-encoded volume data | property(zindex) or property(zindex.rowindex) or property(zindex.rowindex.colindex) | |
choice | choice union variant | Choice | Variant data (one of several possible data contents, potentially of different data type) | property(variantname) or property(datatype|value|property|index|name) | (builtin) |
choicevector | choicevector choicevec unionvec unionvector variantvec variantvector | ChoiceVector | Variable-length variant data vector (each element one of several possible data contents, potentially of different data type) | property(elementindex) or property(elementindex.choicefield) | (builtin) |
color | color | Color | Color encoding | property(red,r|green,g|blue,b|rgb|opacity,alpha,a|rgba|luminance,grey|name|alphaname,opacityname|x11name,x11color,x11,hex|argb) | (builtin) |
colorvector | colorvector colorvec | ColorVector | Variable-length color vector | property(elementindex) or property(elementindex.colorfield) | (builtin) |
complex | complex cplx | Complex | Complex number | property(real) or property(imag) | |
compound | compound | Compound | Compound property with field of different data types | property(fieldname) or property(fieldindex) | (builtin) |
compoundvector | compoundvector compoundvec | CompoundVector | Variable-length vector with elements that each contain a fixed set of fields of different data types | property(elementindex) or property(elementindex.field) | (builtin) |
currency | currency money usd {us$} euro eur aud {au$} gbp cad {ca$} hkd {hk$} idr jpy yen sgd sek chf thb | Currency | Currency | property(usd|aud|gbp|cad|eur|hkd|ird|jpy|sgd|chf|thb) with automatic currency conversion via current exchange rate obtained from | (builtin) |
dataset | dataset | Dataset | Dataset object | property(datasetindex) yields object in dataset | (builtin) |
datatree | datatree tree | Datatree | Property data tree | property(branchname|branchindex) property(branchname|branchindex.branchname|branchindex) etc. to any level or property(size|maxlevel) | (builtin) |
date | date | Date | Date stamp (date only, not time component) | property(year|month|day|h,hour,hours|m,min,minute,minutes|s,sec,second,seconds|weekday|yearday|date|time|timezone,zone,tz|timestamp|datetime|gmtdate|gmttime|gmtdatetime|gmttimestamp) | (builtin) |
datetime | datetime | Datetime | Time and date stamp (both data and time) | property(year|month|day|h,hour,hours|m,min,minute,minutes|s,sec,second,seconds|weekday|yearday|date|time|timezone,zone,tz|timestamp|datetime|gmtdate|gmttime|gmtdatetime|gmttimestamp) | (builtin) |
dictionary | dictionary dict assoc | Dictionary | String/untyped dictionary-style associative array | property(key) | (builtin) |
diskfile | diskfile file | Diskfile | External disk file | property(name,filename|content|size|mode|format,mimetype|owner,uid|group,gid|readtime,atime|writetime,mtime|createtime,ctime|base64content,base64|dataurlcontent,dataurl,url|hexcontent,hex|md5) | (builtin) |
double | double | Double | Double-precision floating-point number | converted units if associated property has convertible unit definition, as in property(kg) | (builtin) |
doublematrix | doublematrix dmatrix doublemat dmat | DoubleMatrix | Double-precision float matrix | property(rowindex) or property(rowindex.colindex) | |
doublevector | doublevector doublevec dvec | DoubleVector | Variable-length double-precision float vector | property(elementindex) or property(lowindex:highindex) or property(fieldname|size|hexbinary|base64binary) | (builtin) |
float | float real | Float | Single-precision floating point number | converted units if associated property has convertible unit definition, as in property(kg) | (builtin) |
floatmatrix | floatmatrix fmatrix fmat floatmat rmatrix realmatrix realmat rmat | FloatMatrix | Single-precision float matrix data | property(rowindex) or property(rowindex.colindex) | |
floatpair | floatpair fpair point | FloatPair | Single-precision float pair | property(fieldindex) or property(fieldname|enumfield|x|y) property(fieldindex.conversionunit) or property(fieldname|enumfield|x|y.conversionunit) | (builtin) |
floatvector | floatvector floatvec realvector readlvec fvec | FloatVector | Variable-length single-precision float vector | property(elementindex) or property(lowindex:highindex) or property(fieldname|size|hexbinary|base64binary) | (builtin) |
floatvolume | floatvolume fvolume fvol floatvol | FloatVolume | Single-precision float encoded volume data | property(zindex) or property(zindex.rowindex) or property(zindex.rowindex.colindex) | |
formulamatch | formulamatch fs formula formulasearch | FormulaMatch | Formula match expression | none | (builtin) |
hierarchy | hierarchy | Hierarchy | Hierarchy object | none | (builtin) |
index | index idx | Index | Index/occurance data for ensembles and ensemble molecules | property(ensclass|enscount|molclassmolcount) or property(fieldname|enumfield) | (builtin) |
int | int integer long | Integer | 32 bit integer | none | (builtin) |
int64 | int64 longlong | Int64 | 64 bit integer | none | (builtin) |
intfloatpair | intfloatpair ifpair ifp | IntFloatPair | Int/float pair | property(int|float|fieldname|enumfield) | (builtin) |
intmatrix | intmatrix imatrix imat intmat | IntMatrix | Integer matrix | property(rowindex) or property(rowindex.colindex) | |
intpair | intpair ipair | IntPair | 32 bit integer pair | property(fieldindex) or property(fieldname|enumfield|x|y) | (builtin) |
intpairvector | intpairvector ipairvec intpairvec | IntPairVector | 32 bit integer pair vector | property(elementindex) or property(lowindex:highindex) or property(fieldname|size|hexbinary|base64binary) | (builtin) |
intquad | intquad iquad | IntQuad | 16 bit integer quadruple | property(fieldindex) or property(fieldname|enumfield) or property(x1|y1|x2|y2) or property(x|y|w|h) | (builtin) |
intvector | intvector intvec ivec | IntVector | Variable-length 32 bit integer vector | property(elementindex) or property(lowindex:highindex) or property(fieldname|size|hexbinary|base64binary) | (builtin) |
jsonstring | jsonstring json jsontext | Json | Zero-byte terminated JSON blob in Latin1 encoding | none | (builtin) |
mapfile | mapfile | Mapfile | Memory mapped external disk file | property(name,filename|content|size|mode|format,mimetype|owner,uid|group,gid|readtime,atime|writetime,mtime|createtime,ctime|base64content,base64|dataurlcontent,dataurl,url|hexcontent,hex|md5) | (builtin) |
network | network | Network | Network object | none | (builtin) |
qualifiedfloat | qualifiedfloat fqual floatqual fq qf qfloat qualfloat fqualified | QualifiedFloat | Qualified float with value qualifier and upper/lower deltas | property(value|qualifier|-delta|+delta|delta|lowbound|highbound,hibound|deltarange) | (builtin) |
qualifiedint | qualifiedint iqual intqual iq qi qint qualint iqualified | QualifiedInt | Qualified integer with value qualifier and upper/lower deltas | property(value|qualifier|-delta|+delta|delta|lowbound|highbound,hibound|deltarange) | (builtin) |
querytree | querytree query | Query | Property and attribute query tree | property(branchname|branchindex) property(branchname|branchindex.branchname|branchindex) etc. to any level or property(size|maxlevel) | (builtin) |
reaction | reaction | Reaction | Reaction object | property(smiles|smirks|packed|rxn|mrv|cml) for quick access to string encodings | (builtin) |
short | short | Short | 16 bit integer | none | (builtin) |
shortstring | shortstring | ShortString | Short (<=8 chars) Latin1 string (unallocated) | property(wordindex) or property(lowcharindex:highcharindex) or property(fieldname|size|hexbinary|base64binary) | (builtin) |
shortvector | shortvector shortvec | ShortVector | Variable-length 16 bit integer vector | property(elementindex) or property(lowindex:highindex) or property(fieldname|size|hexbinary|base64binary) | (builtin) |
sparseintvector | sparseintvector sparseintvec sparseivec | SparseIntVector | Variable-length 22 bit sparse integer vector | property(elementindex) | (builtin) |
string | string text | String | Zero-byte terminated Latin1 string | property(wordindex) (a custom word separator may be set in the property definition) or a character range as in property(from:to) or property(dirname|rootname|tail|extension) for filename processing | (builtin) |
stringvector | stringvector svec zvec stringvec | StringVector | Variable-length string vector | property(elementindex) or property(lowindex:highindex) or property(fieldname|size|hexbinary|base64binary) | (builtin) |
structure | structure ens | Structure | Ensemble object (normal a full-structure representation) | property(smiles|smarts|inchi|jme|sln|minimol|packed|sdf|mol2|mrv|cml|pdb) for quick access to encodings | (builtin) |
substructure | substructure pattern | Substructure | Substructure ensemble object | property(smiles|smarts|inchi|jme|sln|minimol|packed|sdf|mol2|mrv|cml|pdb) for quick access to encodings | (builtin) |
table | table qtable | Table | Embedded Table | property(handle|startrow|rowcount) for table slices | (builtin) |
tensor | tensor | Tensor | 3x3 tensor | property(elementindex) or property(lowindex:highindex) or property(fieldname|size|hexbinary|base64binary) | (builtin) |
time | time timestamp | Time | Time stamp (time only, not date part) | property(year|month|day|h,hour,hours|m,min,minute,minutes|s,sec,second,seconds|weekday|yearday|date|time|timezone,zone,tz|timestamp|datetime|gmtdate|gmttime|gmtdatetime|gmttimestamp) | (builtin) |
typeddictionary | typeddictionary typeddict | TypedDictionary | Typed dictionary-style associative array | property(key) | (builtin) |
uint128 | uint128 hash128 | UInt128 | 128 bit unsigned integer | property(lower|upper|hex|uuid) | (builtin) |
uint64 | uint64 hash64 hash ulonglong | UInt64 | 64 bit unsigned integer | none | (builtin) |
uint64vector | uint64vector uint64vec hashvector hashvec | UInt64Vector | 64 bit unsigned integer vector | property(elementindex) or property(lowindex:highindex) or property(fieldname|size|hexbinary|base64binary) | (builtin) |
unicode | unicode ustring ucstring wcstring unicodestring utf8 utf | Unicode | Unicode string | property(wordindex) or property(lowcharindex:highcharindex) or property(fieldname|size|hexbinary|base64binary) | (builtin) |
unicodevector | unicodevector uvec uvector ucvector ucvec wcvec wcvector | UnicodeVector | Variable-length unicode string vector | property(elementindex) or property(lowindex:highindex) or property(fieldname|size|hexbinary|base64binary) | (builtin) |
url | url | URL | Zero-byte terminated URL string | property(hash,anchor|host|hostname|href|pathname,path|port|protocol,proto|search,cgi|text|user|password,passwd|target|directory,dir|file|ipaddr,ip|qrcode,qr) | (builtin) |
urlvector | urlvector urlvec | URLVector | Variable-length URL vector | property(elementindex) or property(elementindex.urlfield) | (builtin) |
xmlstring | xmlstring XML xml xmltext | XML | Zero-byte terminated XML blob in Latin1 encoding | none | (builtin) |
xyvector | xyvector pointvec xyvec pointvector | XYVector | Variable-length 2D/XY data point vector | property(elementindex) or property(elementindex.x|y) | (builtin) |
xyzvector | xyzvector xyzvec coordvec coordvector conformers | XYZVector | Variable-length 3D/XYZ coordinate vector/conformer set data | property(elementindex) or property(elementindex.x|y|z|0|1|2) | |
Generated Thu Oct 06 19:46:04 CEST 2022 for toolkit version